From fighting radical ESG to protecting our children from life-altering, irreversible surgeries and ensuring that men are kept out of women’s sports, Attorney General Cameron’s message is clear—the woke agenda is not welcome in Kentucky.

Protecting Kids From Gender Extremists
The fringe perception that harmful drugs and life-altering mutilations should be used to affirm a child’s gender is monstrous.
During the 2023 Regular Session, the General Assembly passed SB 150. The legislation prioritizes the health, safety, and welfare of children and safeguards them from, among other things, irreversible medical services, and ideological indoctrination in schools. Liberal lawyers from the ACLU and National Center for Lesbian Rights sued to block enforcement of SB 150, but Attorney General Cameron stood firm in defense of our kids. He fought back hard,
securing a victory from a district court, allowing the law to take effect. And with far-left radicals ready to take their ideology all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, General Cameron is prepared to beat them there too if necessary.
Bucking ESG & Woke Capitalism
Kentucky is an energy state. We benefit from the competitive advantage that comes with having abundant fossil fuels and using them to produce low-cost electricity to power our homes and businesses. That is why Attorney General Cameron has defended Kentucky from an ESG movement that would destroy the Commonwealth’s competitive advantage and cripple our economy.
In 2022, he released the first
Attorney General Opinion in the nation on ESG investment practices. In 2023, he challenged the Biden Administration’s pro-ESG policies and warned Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen against prioritizing radical climate alarmism over the health of the American economy.
ESG advocates do not care if their climate goals hurt our pensioners, undermine our economy, or increase utility bills for hard-working Kentuckians. But Attorney General Cameron does care. Rather than surrendering to climate alarmism, we must leverage the competitive advantage and economic strength provided by our God-given resources.
That is exactly what Daniel Cameron has fought for as your Attorney General.
General Cameron also won’t stand by while big corporations force their woke agenda on us. In 2023, he
called out Target’s "LGBT Pride: Kids” campaign as part of a comprehensive effort to promote gender and sexual identity among children. And, in light of a recent Supreme Court ruling striking down race-based admissions in universities, he warned some of the nation’s largest, most profitable companies against continuing illegal, race-based hiring practices.
Protecting Women’s Sports
The Biden Administration’s obsession with erasing women is unprecedented in American history. Take Title IX—Joe Biden is trying to
undo decades of progress for female athletes. Not on Attorney General Cameron’s watch. Time and again, he has taken the Administration to court and won for women.