the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, scams have surged. Extended periods
of isolation and increased time online during the global health crisis have
made Kentuckians more vulnerable to attempts of fraud. During the
pandemic, Kentuckians reported losing over $17 million to scams. To
address this increase, Attorney General Cameron launched the “Be a Fraud
Fighter” campaign to put fraudsters on notice that their actions will not be
tolerated in Kentucky. The campaign encourages Kentuckians to report
scams to the Attorney General’s Office. You can be a Fraud Fighter by
taking the following steps:
1. Report suspected scams by visiting ag.ky.gov/scams.
Chances are if you've encountered a scam, others will too. Reporting a scam to our office, even if you didn't suffer financial loss, allows us to warn other Kentuckians about these schemes. If you've been the victim of a scam, the sooner you report it the better. Our office may be able to protect you from further financial harm if you contact us quickly.
2. Learn about common scams.
Understanding the methods scammers use to commit fraud makes it easier to spot and avoid their schemes. For tips to avoid scams, visit ag.ky.gov/consumeralerts.
3. Sign up for Consumer Alerts.
The Attorney General's office regularly releases consumer alerts to warn Kentuckians of ongoing scams. Stay informed by signing up to receive consumer alerts via email by visiting ag.ky.gov/ConsumerAlertSignup. Kentuckians can also receive consumer tips about scams by following Attorney General Cameron on Facebook and Twitter.