​​Hearing Officer Qualifications

The Administrative Hearings Division provides training for hearing officers by developing and offering training courses and approving training courses developed by other agencies (KRS 15.111(2)(c). The qualifications to be a hearing officer are set forth in 40 KAR 5:010.

The initial training required to become a hearing officer consists of 18 "classroom hours." The 18 classroom hours must include agency-specific training and training in the application of KRS Chapter 13B. A list of all subjects included in the initial hearing officer training is set forth in Section 3 of 40 KAR 5:010.

Continuing Education for Current Hearing Officers

Hearing officers must complete 6 "classroom hours" of continuing education by June 30 each year to remain authorized to hear administrative actions. Under Section 5 of 40 KAR 5:010, a hearing officer who earns more than 6 classroom hours of continuing education in a year may carry forward up to 12 classroom hours to satisfy future years' continuing education requirements. A hearing officer who does not satisfy this continuing education requirement by June 30 shall have his or her authorization to hear administrative actions suspended until the requirement is satisfied.

Hearing Officer Training

In the past, the Division has sponsored live training seminars for new and continuing hearing officers. However, at this time, the Division does not have plans to offer live, in-person training for hearing officers. The Division will update this page should it offer any in-person training for hearing officers in the future.

The Division approves training courses offered by other agencies of state government and by private organizations. Please contact the Division by email (OAG.AHB@ky.gov) if you have a question about whether a particular course qualifies for credit toward the initial 18-hour training requirement or the continuing education requirement.

In addition, the Division offers prerecorded video programs that qualify for credit toward the initial 18-hour training requirement or the continuing education requirement. You may order the videos and watch them at your own pace. To purchase one or more of the Division's hearing officer video training programs, Kentuckians may complete our online training order form​.

Report Your Training

Once you complete your initial hearing officer training, you must report it to the Division before you begin hearing cases as a hearing officer. Thereafter, you also must report compliance with the continuing education requirement. Hearing officers who have completed initial training or continuing education may complete our online reporting form to receive training credits.


Administrative Hearings Division
700 Capital Avenue, Suite 118
Frankfort, Kentucky 40601
Phone: 502-696-5442
Fax: 502-573-1009

Email: OAG.AHB@ky.gov 


Administrative Hearings                                  Hearing Officer Training Order Form Report Hearing Officer Training Credits