Attorney General Cameron seeks justice for seniors who have been physically abused. As part of this mission, the office operates the Elder Abuse & Neglect Hotline, 1-877-228-7384. The hotline is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Kentuckians may also report suspected Medicaid fraud and abuse by completing our online complaint form. Reporters may submit this online form anonymously.
Below are some signs to look for to identify neglect, physical, sexual and financial abuse.
What are some signs of physical abuse?
- Frequent unexplained injuries or complaints of pain without obvious injury
- Burns or bruises suggesting the use of instruments, cigarettes, etc.
- Passive, withdrawn and emotionless behavior
- Lack of reaction to pain
- Injuries that appear after the person has not been seen for several days
- Patient complains of physical abuse
What are some signs of sexual abuse?
- Injury to the genital area
- Difficulty in sitting or walking
- Fear of being alone with caretakers
- Patient reports a sexual assault
What are some signs of neglect?
- Obvious malnutrition
- Lack of personal cleanliness
- Habitually dressed in torn or dirty clothes
- Obvious fatigue and listlessness
- Begs for food or water
- In need of medical or dental care
- Left unattended for long periods
- Bed sores
What are some signs of financial abuse?
- Mismanagement of personal funds
- Lost, stolen or destroyed property
For reporting abuse, regardless of whether facility is Medicaid funded, or for protective services, guardianship and counseling contact the Cabinet for Health and Family Services Adult Protection Branch at
1-800-752-6200 or