Preserving Freedom

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Kentucky has a proud tradition of independence and grit. No one can tread on the Bluegrass State, and Attorney General Cameron is dedicated to ensuring that our long history of freedom is ​preserved for the next generation of Kentuckians. Throughout his term as Attorney General, he has fought back against heavy-handed bureaucrats in Frankfort and Washington​, D.C.​

​​T​yrannical​ Shutdowns and
Mandate Madn​​ess

At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, Big Government tried to keep us from worshiping with our church families, and forced us to wear masks, and get vaccinated. Attorney General Cameron took these heavy-handed bureaucrats to court. He reopened churches after nine days, and did away with unconstitutional mandates.

​​Religious Liberty

The First Amendment rights to religious liberty and freedom of expression are the cornerstones upon which our country was built. When federal agencies and corporate interests try to infringe on those rights, Daniel Cameron fights back—and wins.

After JPMorgan Chase tried to disenfranchise Kentuckians for their political and religious beliefs, Attorney General Cameron led 19 states​ to demand the bank stop its discriminatory “debank​ing” practices, which coincidentally only targeted conservatives. 

​Attorney General Cameron has fought the Biden Administration too, challenging the Department of Education’s attempt to repeal a Trump-era provision compelling public universities to comply with the First Amendment or lose grant funding.

When religious intolerance reared its ugly head in his home city of Louisville, Attorney General Cameron stood up​ for a local photographer, and sent a letter to Mayor Greenberg, calling on him to drop his legal challenge, respect Louisvillians right to their own consciences and uphold the bedrock of our democracy—the First Amendment. 

​​Anti-Coal Climate Agenda​

Attorney General Cameron will not surrender Kentucky to President Biden’s radical green energy agenda. When far-left climate activists push sinister policies to destroy the fossil fuel industry, General Cameron stands for Kentucky coal. From overly burdensome regulations to a fast-and-furious approach to electrification, General Cameron fights this Administration’s fringe environmentalism every step of the way.​


Earlier this year, he led 25 states challenging a draconian proposal that would forcibly restructure the automobile industry around EVs at a breakneck pace. He additionally led a 19-state coalition opposing the EPA’s excessive regulation of air quality standards. Attorney General Cameron also challenged proposals to regulate greenhouse gas emissions and to make illegal over 50 %of gas stoves ​currently on the market.

When President Biden ​canceled the Keystone XL Pipeline hours after taking office, General Cameron challenged the unconstitutional action. Canceling the pipeline harmed the creation of jobs, threatened U.S. energy independence, and created negative ripple effects for non-pipeline states, like Kentucky.